Thursday, December 10, 2009

FaLaLaLaLa, Santa, Ho! Ho! Ho! (Target Commercial? Anybody?)

I don't eat weird things before bed...usually. Sometimes I'll watch an episode or four of my latest show on Still, when I mentally replay my dreams as soon as I wake up, I often wonder how the heck all those things got in my head. I haven't yet looked into whether dreams cause sleep to be less restful, but I have been needing a good ten hours a night in order to feel rested in the morning. My dreams from last night may require multiple entries:

1. Actually, I can't share this one just yet because it involves Ross's Christmas present. I bought it yesterday and laughed all the way to the register. The dream about it makes me laugh as well, which is why I even bother sharing this: because it's good... real good. I will write about it and post it after Christmas :)

2. I can't always discern the order of my dreams in a given night, but this one definitely occurred just minutes before I woke up. I dreamed that I opened my gmail and received a comment from a complete stranger on my last blog entry. The comment said this: "Your writing is very choppy, and all your sentences are the same. They sound like, 'duh-da-duh-da-duh-da-duh.' Still, your blog is one of my favorites... probably top 10... because your dreams are so vivid." Or something like that. Despite the compliment, I couldn't see past her criticism of my writing. I think I have great sentence variety. Needless to say, I felt relieved when I did check my gmail and saw that I received no such comment.

3. In another dream I had to give Elizabeth a set of questions by Friday. The questions were typed on a strip of paper that was about an eighth of a full page, and the strip was folded twice. I slipped it in my back pocket, climbed on my bike (which I do not actually own), and rode to her apartment. In waking life, there is a somewhat funny story that relates to Elizabeth's apartment. The first time I picked her up, she directed me to the parking lot in the back of the complex, so the next few times I visited her, that is where I parked. I had never seen the front of the complex and didn't even know where it was because there is no cut-through from front to back... they are on completely different streets. It became sort of a joke when groups of us hung out there--when it came time to leave, most everyone walked out the front door together, and I left through the back.

Well, that isn't entirely relevant to my dream, except that when I biked to her apartment I did go to the back parking lot (even though I have since found the front :)) The dream took place during the day, and because I have never been there during the day, all of a sudden there were parking attendants and fees. I decided to park my bike by a parking meter, and I inserted a dime which bought me 20 minutes. Plenty of time to run up the back stairs, slip the questions under Elizabeth's door, and return to my bike. Then it occurred to me that I didn't have a lock for my bike. I panicked. Surely someone would steal my bike in that time. I saw a guy parking his bike by the meter next to mine, also without a lock, and I felt a little comforted; perhaps if I made a run for it, no one would take my bike. I ran--initially the wrong way--found her apartment, went up the stairs, slipped the paper under her door, and ran back down. I could feel and smell the sweat. Thankfully my bike was still there. Mission accomplished.

That'll do for now. But stay tuned... plenty more to come!

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