Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Elephants and Camels and Deer(s), Oh My!

Last night's dream began (I think) on a haunted hayride. Well, not the hayride, but the creepy walk through the woods with people in masks jumping out at me and some faceless friends. The dream shifted, and I stood alone in the woods behind the house where I grew up. I could see my house and my neighbors' houses through lots of trees, and I knew I had to make a run for it: the woods were filled with wild animals--hiding, waiting to jump on unsuspecting nature-lovers. Thankfully, I made it safely through and emerged in the Bartholomew's backyard. I walked up the hill towards the driveway and saw a tiny, baby deer... much like this fella I saw in Kenya:

I expected him to run away, but he didn't. Instead, the bambi-dumbo hybrid approached me and began licking my hand. (When I woke up this morning I smelled my hand to make sure it didn't smell like deer spit. Ew.) Our moment lasted until I made eye contact with his mother in the grass near by, at which point she sprang to her hooves and called the fawn away. Alas.

As I walked up the driveway and into the street I heard music and people speaking in British accents. I looked up the street and saw a crowd of people dressed in colonial garb standing in the Smith's yard. There was live music, a bonfire, and... an elephant? Yes, a very dark, very wrinkled elephant, along with a flat-backed camel. In the dream I thought, "That camel doesn't have a hump, but it's still a camel." This part of the dream came from an email I read yesterday from my dear friend and former roomie, Leah, who now lives up North. Here's the quote, "I OFFICIALLY SAW A MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE last week. YEP. Saw one. ALMOST hit it with my car. BUT I saw a moose. No it didnt have antlers but it was still a MOOSE." The camel didn't have a hump, but it was still a camel.

I observed the historical reenactment for a bit, then continued up the street to my mom's house. The actors-elephant and camel included- proceeded down the street.

My next post, which will be up later this evening, may have been an extension of this dream, or it may have stood alone... but I'll leave you to chew on this portion for a while...

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