Saturday, October 31, 2009


As I mentioned in my last post, I took a road trip to Virginia Tech on Thursday to visit friends and go to the football game. To maximize my time in Blacksburg I left Richmond early Thursday and thus did not blog my dreams. But don't worry... I dreamed.

In the first dream that night I was leading a mission trip. We'd been driving all day in the church vans, which happened to be convertible vans on this trip (holler!) We had a "layover" that night in Louisiana, and the weather was terrible: pouring rain, lightening... the whole she-bang. Apparently someone put the tops back on the vans because that was a non-issue in the dream. We spent the night in Louisiana, and the next morning when we were supposed to leave, the weather was still too dangerous to drive. One of the other adult leaders as well as some youth advised me to cancel the trip and just drive back home (which is funny because... it was still raining regardless of which way we drove.) I refused. Then I thought back to a mission trip planning meeting I had with Forrest (that only existed in the dream world) in which he told me, "Whatever you do, you do NOT want to get stuck in Louisiana!" I knew I'd made a big mistake, and the dream ended.

The second dream came from Sleeping Beauty. There is a scene in which Prince Phillip is fighting his way to Princess Aurora. The evil witch Malificent creates a thick briar patch, but Phillip cuts through it with his sword. Then Malificent turns herself into a dragon and tries to kill Phillip with her firey breath. Enter Dream Catherine. No Prince Phillip, no Princess Aurora... just me and the dragon. I knew the dragon wasn't all evil though; it was helping me learn to fight. Still, it breathed its fire at me. Someone threw me a stick about two feet long that burned from both ends. I examined it to determine which end was the sharpest, then threw it at the dragon, piercing it in the neck, bringing it to its death. Catherine-1, Dragon-0.

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