Saturday, October 31, 2009


As I mentioned in my last post, I took a road trip to Virginia Tech on Thursday to visit friends and go to the football game. To maximize my time in Blacksburg I left Richmond early Thursday and thus did not blog my dreams. But don't worry... I dreamed.

In the first dream that night I was leading a mission trip. We'd been driving all day in the church vans, which happened to be convertible vans on this trip (holler!) We had a "layover" that night in Louisiana, and the weather was terrible: pouring rain, lightening... the whole she-bang. Apparently someone put the tops back on the vans because that was a non-issue in the dream. We spent the night in Louisiana, and the next morning when we were supposed to leave, the weather was still too dangerous to drive. One of the other adult leaders as well as some youth advised me to cancel the trip and just drive back home (which is funny because... it was still raining regardless of which way we drove.) I refused. Then I thought back to a mission trip planning meeting I had with Forrest (that only existed in the dream world) in which he told me, "Whatever you do, you do NOT want to get stuck in Louisiana!" I knew I'd made a big mistake, and the dream ended.

The second dream came from Sleeping Beauty. There is a scene in which Prince Phillip is fighting his way to Princess Aurora. The evil witch Malificent creates a thick briar patch, but Phillip cuts through it with his sword. Then Malificent turns herself into a dragon and tries to kill Phillip with her firey breath. Enter Dream Catherine. No Prince Phillip, no Princess Aurora... just me and the dragon. I knew the dragon wasn't all evil though; it was helping me learn to fight. Still, it breathed its fire at me. Someone threw me a stick about two feet long that burned from both ends. I examined it to determine which end was the sharpest, then threw it at the dragon, piercing it in the neck, bringing it to its death. Catherine-1, Dragon-0.

What a Nerd

The trick to remembering dreams is to reflect before you even move from under the covers in the morning. This morning as I sit in bed, lights still off, I see snippets of at least a few dreams. There is one, however, that I can't quite harness in. I have a vague sense of it, but the longer I am awake, the further it slips from my mental grasp.

Here's what I do remember, in no particular order:

...The middle school youth were putting on a Halloween pageant and singing the worship song, "You Have Redeemed My Soul." In the dream I heard them singing and followed the sound because I love that song. A few waking days ago I thought about the song and how we should sing it at youth group... I'm not sure how appropriate it is for a Halloween pageant though...

...I spent the night with Amy Clark at Tech-- in waking life on Thursday night after the UNC game, and also in my dream last night. Yes, Amy, I spent the night with you in my dreams :) When we woke up in the morning (in the dream...) Amy realized she had a. failed to prepare for an exam, and b. slept in, and now had to hurry to take the test. I tried to console a very frazzled Amy as we ran across campus to her class. At some point during the trek--actually, as we ran through the auditorium-- I became aware that the entire exam measured the class's ability to distinguish between two flavors of Nerds candies. For the test, although the dream ended before we reached that point, each student had to pour a box of Nerds into their mouth and sort the strawberries from the lemonades. My consolation morphed into, "Amy, you'll be fine! You know what strawberry tastes like, and lemonade is tangy!"

I remember the rest of my dreams last night in 10 second clips, as opposed to actual stories:

...Hundreds of cars sat in a traffic jam. A van fell over on the curb (I think the other cars were pushing,) and the van stood itself back up like an animal would stand from a sleeping position.

...We met for youth group on the stage of an enormous outdoor auditorium. Everyone sat in a line on benches waiting for something to start playing on the big screen. Then someone zip-lined in from a platform that was too high and too far away to see. No big deal.

...I was hanging out with friends in my room at my mom's house, and people brought us breakfast... through the window. I was handed an open can of vegetable soup, which I rudely threw away because a. I make my own vegetable soup that happens to be delicious, and b. I don't eat it for breakfast. In the dream I acknowledged that I was being ungrateful, but didn't care.

I have a few other snapshots floating through my brain--like leaving my facewash on the counter of a public bathroom and watching through a crack in the stall to make sure no one took it, and a friend leaving his lunch box on the bottom level of a parking garage-- but nothing with much substance. By this point I have completely lost the dream I mentioned at the beginning of this post. Bummer.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Morses and Mintons and Miles, Oh My!

I went back to high school last night in my dreams. I sat in my 11th grade honors English class... except it was a different room, and Mrs. Morse was absent (which kept the dream from being classified as a nightmare :)) As we all know, with a substitute teacher often comes busy-work. The substitute walked in the room and explained that we could receive points that day for three things: taking advantage of the reading day, working on our house projects, or both. In the dream the "reading day" was actually a movie day, but in real life the "movie" we were supposed to watch was one of my current favorite bands, Death Cab for Cutie. Very dream-like. The house project? I'm not sure... but everyone in the class had on their desk a small stack of magazines, popsicle sticks, and glue, and no one looked confused when the substitute said we could work on our house projects. I assure you, Teresa Morse never assigned such a project, although the first-grader that I babysit completed something similar a few weeks ago...

After English I ran laps in gym class with my all-time favorite teacher, Ms. Minton (who is now a very happy Mrs. Criswell.) Is anyone surprised that my favorite teacher is one who is notorious for making her students run a mile every day? I loved it. Everyone had a partner, and each person had to run 400 meters, twice, as part of a relay race. In Dream DSF, ten laps around the small gym equalled 400 meters, and while everyone in the class ran, I sat out and talked with Ms. Minton, who told me that the last time she saw me I had a stomach pooch from the summer, and that I look better now. No offense taken. Apparently in this dream, she spoke the truth.

Oh, dreams.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Waffles with Peanut Butter and Honey, Strawberries with Yogurt, Coffee with Milk and Sugar...

In the next segment of last night's dream I was in my mom's house with my brother and sister. Ross needed special furniture for his apartment, and Whitney remembered this great place in Waynesboro. (Seriously? How did Waynesboro make its way into my subconscious?) There was a sense of urgency; We had to go right then. I wanted to take a shower because I'd gone running the night before, but there was no time. Whitney didn't even wear matching shoes: one rain boot, one Croc. Even Dream Ross and Dream Catherine noted the absurdity of this: Whitney would NEVER wear mismatched shoes. I also wanted to eat breakfast, but the sib's insisted that we stop for food on the road. In my dream this angered me, which I find interesting because it's pretty true in waking life as well. I do NOT enjoy going out to breakfast, and I especially dislike stopping for fastfood breakfast on the road. Whenever our family travels with the plan of eating on the road, I still eat breakfast before setting foot in the car. I mean, breakfast sets the tone for the whole day... I'd like to make it myself, thank you. I digress. I don't know if we ever made it to Waynesboro for the special furniture (or if we ever knew what was so special about the furniture.) The world may never know.

I find it funny the ideas that creep into dreams. At some point I will explain my theory on dreams, but for now I am off to cultivate more writing material!

Elephants and Camels and Deer(s), Oh My!

Last night's dream began (I think) on a haunted hayride. Well, not the hayride, but the creepy walk through the woods with people in masks jumping out at me and some faceless friends. The dream shifted, and I stood alone in the woods behind the house where I grew up. I could see my house and my neighbors' houses through lots of trees, and I knew I had to make a run for it: the woods were filled with wild animals--hiding, waiting to jump on unsuspecting nature-lovers. Thankfully, I made it safely through and emerged in the Bartholomew's backyard. I walked up the hill towards the driveway and saw a tiny, baby deer... much like this fella I saw in Kenya:

I expected him to run away, but he didn't. Instead, the bambi-dumbo hybrid approached me and began licking my hand. (When I woke up this morning I smelled my hand to make sure it didn't smell like deer spit. Ew.) Our moment lasted until I made eye contact with his mother in the grass near by, at which point she sprang to her hooves and called the fawn away. Alas.

As I walked up the driveway and into the street I heard music and people speaking in British accents. I looked up the street and saw a crowd of people dressed in colonial garb standing in the Smith's yard. There was live music, a bonfire, and... an elephant? Yes, a very dark, very wrinkled elephant, along with a flat-backed camel. In the dream I thought, "That camel doesn't have a hump, but it's still a camel." This part of the dream came from an email I read yesterday from my dear friend and former roomie, Leah, who now lives up North. Here's the quote, "I OFFICIALLY SAW A MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE last week. YEP. Saw one. ALMOST hit it with my car. BUT I saw a moose. No it didnt have antlers but it was still a MOOSE." The camel didn't have a hump, but it was still a camel.

I observed the historical reenactment for a bit, then continued up the street to my mom's house. The actors-elephant and camel included- proceeded down the street.

My next post, which will be up later this evening, may have been an extension of this dream, or it may have stood alone... but I'll leave you to chew on this portion for a while...


"It sounds like you're high... except you're dreaming." -Mallory

No further explanation required for why I am creating a blog of my dreams... which I suspect is the blog of YOUR dreams :) After months of waking up thinking, "What just happened? I should write that down," as well as being told countless times, "You should start a dream blog," I am taking the plunge.

So here it is: the adventures of Catherine Tudor's mind between the hours of 11 p.m. and 7 a.m.

Buckle up.