Monday, November 9, 2009


Two crazy dreams last night: the first leaves me in awe of the human brain and makes me want to learn more about dreams... the second is just plain trippy.

To make a long story short, dream number one was a high school reunion of sorts. I bumped into one girl, however, that I have not seen since middle school. I have not thought about her since middle school. In the dream I knew who she was immediately, but recognized that it had been a while. When I woke up I thought, "Whoa." then lay in bed for a few minutes trying to remember her actual name: Ashley Oola. I don't know if that's the correct spelling, though I do have a distinct memory of her pronouncing her name for our gym teacher in 6th grade. "Oo-La." I have not seen or thought about her since. How the heck does that happen?? The mind is crazy...

Dream number two. Let me preface this by saying, I promise I have never taken any kind of illegal substance. In the dream I walked into a museum with one of the 6th grade boys in the youth group (shocker.) As we looked down the hallway, it became apparent that there had been a drought. What made this so apparent, you might ask? A beached whale. Above us to the left an enormous whale had crashed through the ceiling and was resting atop the wall. Colin refused to walk down the hall out of fear that the whale would fall on him, so we moved to the right side of the hallway, and I walked between him and the whale so that if it did fall, it would crush me first. Once we passed this obstacle we realized the entire hallway (well, the left ceiling/wall) was covered with beached animals, including a walrus and a giraffe. I looked the giraffe in the face and saw that it looked more like a fixture on a putt-putt course, but somehow it was still a real, breathing, beached giraffe.


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