Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Technicolored Dream T-Shirts

My dreams continue to be prophetic... sort of. This morning as I pulled a tie-dyed t-shirt over my long-sleeved Under Armor to go running, I remembered a dream from last night involving tie-dye. I had a large bucket with multiple colors of dye (not mixing together, miraculously,) and about 8 t-shirts, which I had rubber banded 8 different ways. I dropped them all in the bucket and waited for the colors to soak in. Not the most exciting dream, but I find it interesting that I chose a tie-dyed shirt this morning before even remembering the dream.

In another dream I sat in a roller coaster cart at a water park. A girl working there stood behind and held on to the cart like a dog sled. I knew her somehow and knew that she was actually a vampire. Don't worry-- she was more of an Alice Cullen than a Jane or Victoria. Still, I turned around and said, "Can I be neurotic for a moment? Are you sure you aren't going to bite me?" (The first question was a text I sent to Joey yesterday... but I did not follow up by asking if he was going to bite me.) The vampire assured me that she was a "vegetarian" and had no intention of biting me. I relaxed, but in retrospect that was not the wisest move; if she did plan on biting me, would she really tell me if I asked? Thankfully she was a vampire with integrity.

At the beginning of the last dream I remember from last night, I sat on the floor of my room organizing my shoes...which is really irrelevant to the rest of the dream. I heard people talking in the living room and initially thought they were someone else's friends (that's how I conceptualized it in the dream.) I walked out of my room and realized that they were indeed MY friends! After hanging out in the living room for a while Amy Clark said she needed to use the bathroom. I said, "Amy, I will pay you $10 to pee in your pants." Andrew Storey jumped up and said he would throw in another 10. Amy, apparently desperate for cash, stood in the kitchen and peed. Sadly the event was not as funny as I'd hoped; all I could think about was the fact that I was out 10 bucks, and there was pee on my kitchen floor. Bummer.

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