Wednesday, November 18, 2009

You Are Cordially Invited

In typical style of my psyche, I still had at least one trippy dream last night. In the one I remember, some friends and I were cleaning floors as a fundraiser to supplement the money raised by the youth auction. We knocked on a door, and a cranky, 30-something man answered. When we offered to clean his floor, he responded in a vague, wishy-washy (pun intended :)) manor, and started to close the door. One of my friends called his bluff-- he secretly, desperately wanted us to wash his floor-- and we entered the house. Before we could begin mopping we had to sweep away inch-thick layers of dust, beginning on the second floor and moving down the stairs.

When I reached the bottom stair, I swept something roughly the size of a ping pong ball across the room. I moved towards it and upon inspection recognized it as a cherry cordial (Grandma Riddle's favorite thing to give, but not receive, at Christmas.) I then looked around the room and saw LOTS of cherry cordials! Some sat in plain view in the middle of the floor while others hid behind chair legs, small appliances, and shoes. I began sweeping as many as possible--not for the sake of cleaning, but more as a game. My friends joined me. In the dream I knew that I had left the cherry cordials around this house the last time I cleaned it. Sorry 'bout that, sir.

I'm not sure how cherry cordials entered the dream, but I can identify some of the other players. To do so I'll have to confess how dirty my apartment is, so don't judge me. Yesterday evening I swept the bathroom...I don't know if it's possible for any two girls to shed as much as Mallory and I do. We probably could have made a wig with the hair I swept off the floor (Gross, I know. Sorry.) This is most likely the source of the inches of dust in my dream. Also yesterday while sitting at the kitchen table, I noticed a lemon on the floor, far under the table, almost under the heater. I ducked my head under the table for a better look and saw a second (uh, older) lemon even deeper. LEMONS EVERYWHERE! Just kidding. It was only two. Or I guess I should say, it IS only two, since they are both still there :-D Not sure how they turned into cherry cordials, though. ("When life gives you lemons..." Maybe like that :))

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