Monday, November 16, 2009

Violin Hero

We recently shortened the large group portion of youth group from one hour to 45 minutes, and it's killing me. At least in my dreams. I have had three separate dreams about running out of time at youth group, usually before I even start the lesson. Last night I told the middle schoolers that I dream about them almost every night... and they thought it was kind of weird. Just kidding. Their response was a chorus of, "Did you dream about ME? I KNOW I was in your dreams!"

In my youth group dream last night I planned a game in which each youth played a song of their choice on a violin (which was actually an electric guitar,) and they were eliminated as soon as they missed a note. Cool game, Catherine. A few youth took their turns before Anthony--a friend from when I was in youth group-- stepped in and dominated the game with a violin-electric-guitar rendition of some country song. I looked at the clock and saw that we only had five minutes remaining; I felt torn between quickly beginning the lesson and continuing the game so that every youth could have a turn.

In what I think was a separate but related dream, I lay in the guest bedroom at my mom's house. It was the middle of the night, and I had my acoustic guitar resting on my stomach. I practiced playing songs so that the instrument sounded like a violin, just as Anthony had done. Then I noticed lights on downstairs, and I heard water running; I knew it was time for my mom to wake up and go for her way-too-early run. Whitney opened the door to her room and went to the bathroom. When she came out, we pow-wowed in the dark and arrived at the conclusion that we were being tricked by our mother: it was actually only 8 p.m. (rather than 4:30 a.m...) I'm not sure the purpose of the trick-- or why we were asleep long enough before 8 p.m. that we could be tricked-- but darn it, the lady was tricking us.

More dreams to come: rental car, cell phone, Africa <--(so I will remember)

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